Have you seen freshwater mussels?
The level of knowledge about the presence of freshwater mussel species in Luxembourg waters is low. If you notice empty shells or live bivalve molluscs in a water body, you can pass on this information to natur & ëmwelt / Fondation Hëllef fir d'Natur.
Important: Never take mussels out of waters or transfer them to other water bodies. Most species are highly protected and should not be disturbed. It is sufficient to tell us the location and if available to send us pictures of the empty shells. Please leave the empty shells at their original location.
Please contact us under:
natur & ëmwelt / Fondation Hëllef fir d'Natur
Tél.: +352 26 90 81 27 42
Email : f.thielen@naturemwelt.lu