Freshwater Mussel
Ecosystem services
LIFE+ & Natura 2000
LIFE Unio crassus
Erosion and fine sediments
Nutrient input
Reduction of erosion
Habitat improvement
Water meeting
Mussel monitoring
Mussel rearing
Water quality
Erosion Control
Annual reports
Habitat improvement
Layman's report
Rubbish in and on the banks of the Our river
At the end of March, we collected garbage on the section of the Our between the border triangle and the the mill of Kalborn.
We need your help
Have you seen freshwater mussels?
What is the status of our native freshwater mussels in Luxembourg ?
More or less hidden at the bottom of the water, a group of animals is constantly working to keep our waters clean.
Final report online
Under Project Data, annual reports the final report can be downloaded.
The LIFE Unio project has come to an end
At the end of februar 2019, the LIFE unio project officially ended.
Information event in the project area of the Sauer
Centre culturel Boulaide / 3, rue de la Marie
Wednesday, 06 February 2019, at 19:30 (In Luxembourgish language)
The layman's report is now available online
The Layman's report shortly describes the main objectives, actions and achievements of the LIFE Resto Unio project
Presentations of the 2018 seminar are online
International seminar: Monitoring and restoration of freshwater (mussel) Habitats
Tuesday 27th November – Thursday 29th November 2018, Clervaux, Luxembourg
Happy New Year 2019
Dear colleagues,
International seminar Monitoring and restoration of freshwater (mussel) habitats was a success
Tuesday 27th November – Thursday 29th November 2018
Clervaux, Luxembourg
LIFE Unio movie online now
The thick shelled river mussel
unknown, useful, threatened
HSBC works for LIFE Unio
For several years, HSBC has been supporting the mill of Kalborn with the water experience centre and the freshwater breeding station with the help of its "water program".
S.A.R. Grand Duc Henri visits the river Our valley and the mill of Kalborn
On June the 6th, natur ëmwelt Fondation Hëllef fir d'Natur invited S.A.R. Grand Duc Henri to the northern part of the country. Along the upper reaches of the river Our, the nature reserves of the foundation and the mill of Kalborn were visited.
Release of Thick Shelled River mussels in the river Our
Meanwhile, 570 cultured animals have been released in the River Our
First release of cultured animals in the river Sauer
At the end of May, 500 young thick shelled river mussels were released in the river Sauer
International water forum at the Naturparkzentrum in Esch-sur-Sûre
On April 17, 2018, the LIFE Unio team invited for the second international water forum regarding the catchment area of the river Sûre
The 2018 propagation season is kicking off!
At the beginning of April, breeding animals were collected in the river Our and Sûre and brought to the rearing facility at the mill of Kalborn.
Happy New Year 2018
Dear Colleagues,
International water forum at the mill of Kalborn
On november 22nd 2017, the LIFE Unio team invited for the second international water forum regarding the catchment area of the river Our
Sensitization of school classes at the mill of Kalborn
10 school classes and private groups from nearby camp sites could profit from nature education at the mill of Kalborn for 2017 so far. Field trips to the river Our and visits of the mussel rearing facility for the thick shelled river mussel (Unio Crassus) and the freshwater pearl mussel (Margaritifera margaritifera) were organised. More than 300 people can now profit from the knowledge about freshwater resources.
Informational event for cultivaters
In collaboration with the ASTA and the Chamber of Agriculture, an informational event took place in order to inform the cultivaters about the national agri-environmental measures.
The LIFE Unio team also presented the collected data from our water sampling in the catchment area "Feierbësch".
Monitoring of fish stocks in the river Our
To check on the fish stocks in the river Our, an electric fishing was undertaken by the national water administration AGE and the Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology (LIST).
Control and transfer of juvenile mussels
In June and July the young mussels in different breeding Systems were controlled
Electric fishing in the river Our and Sauer
Fish monitoring at two different locations on the river Our and Sauer
Fishing competition and guiding
Activities for families, information about Natura 2000 zones and facility guiding.
Relocation of the Ruederbaach
Natur&ëmwelt undertook some protective measures to ensure the water quality of the river Our and the natural freshwater sources of the small stream Ruederbaach
LIFE Unio is hiring
Please consult the German or French Text
Happy New Year 2017
Dear colleagues,
Water protection by installing water evacuation grids
19 water grids have been installed on a forestry road near the Hengeschterbaach. A similiar mesure will soon be done on the Feierbech.
Gravel deposition in the Our and Sûre rivers
On both rivers one can see gravel hives. The next high-water will drift the gravel downwards and the newly formed gravel bancs will be accepted and used by fishes for spawning activity.
Inspection of the mussels in the gravel cages
For some years, the mussels have been released in gravel cages in the breeding channel at the Mill of Kalborn
Did you know that a mussel can clean 40 liters of water per day?
What the mussels do, is not to be paid with money and technically not implementable. That is why natur & ëmwelt started a life project to preserve the thick shelled river mussel in river Our and the Sauer some years ago.
First study on freshwater mussel stocks in 26 European countries
The Status Quo on Europe’s Mussels
Mussels are the natural treatment plants of bodies of water and, therefore, just as important as bees. Unfortunately, they are equally threatened: most of the world’s mussel stocks are in decline and some species face extinction. For this reason, scientists from 26 European countries have compiled the first comprehensive survey on the status quo of freshwater mussel species in Europe and can now provide recommendations for the future protection of the species.
Water experience center at the mill of Kalborn - center for aquatic environmental education
In 2016 natur & ëmwelt Fondation Hëllef fir d'Natur opened the water experience center at the mill of Kalborn in the north of Luxembourg. School classes and younger children get the possibility to learn more about the complexity of the aquatic life.
The 2016 propagation season is kicking off!
On April 8, breeding animals were collected in the river Our and brought to the rearing facility at the mill of Kalborn.
Third report (Progress Report II) online
Under Project Data, annual reports the third report (Progress Report II) can be downloaded.
Aerial views from the mill of Kalborn
In the summer of 2015 students from the Lycée technique agricole Ettelbruck have done some aerial photography in the area of the mill in Kalborn. Here is a little movie.
Happy New Year 2016
Dear colleagues,
The 2nd International Seminar, Rearing of unionoid mussels, was a success
Summary of the seminar
Removing of two fish migrating obtacles at the Schwärzerbaach
After a six-month planning phase the work started finally in October 2015.
Latest informations about the 2nd International Seminar Rearing of unionoid mussels
Clervaux, Luxembourg, Tuesday 24th November – Friday 27th November 2015
Protect soil to feed people
Under this Motto, the international well known, microbiologist and soil expert Lydia and Claude Bourgignon explained and commented the structure of two soil profiles on arable land in the catchment of the Feierbech. Agricultural advisers, farmers and other professional actors participated and learned how the soil and soil life can be protected.
Electric fishing in the river Our and Sauer
End of May beginning of June the stock of fish in the river Our and Sauer was investigated at always two points .
Juvenile mussels (Unio crassus)
In June, the young river mussels were collected. In total several thousands dropped from the host fish and are now cultured in the breeding station. See also:
Spawning lampreys
At the moment (April 2015) lampreys are spawning in the mill raceway.
The Midterm Report is online
Under Project Data, annual reports the Midterm Report can be downloaded.
2nd information evening for the farmers
Use of pesticides - how can their negative effects be reduced?
International Water-Meeting for the river Sauer
Unio crassus was an abundant species in most of the rivers in Luxembourg.
Job Offer for environmental technician
natur&ëmwelt - Fondation Hëllef fir d’Natur
seeks for it's LIFE Project:
New data and results under
under "Project data"
Visitations at the rearing center
During the summer, many groups visited the breeding station at the mill of Kalborn
Age determination of Unio crassus
Diagram showing
Rearing Unio crassus
At the end of April, the females from Unio crassus started to release the larvae.
Project leaflet
At the moment only in German language
International Water-Meeting for the river Our
Unio crassus was an abundant species in most of the rivers in Luxembourg.
Second report (Progress Report) online
Under Project Data, annual reports the second report (Progress Report) can be downloaded.
New section with first results and downloads
In the new section "Project Data" first results and Downloads can be found.
Happy New Year 2014
We wish you all the best for 2014
Informations about soil erosion
Wir möchten alle landwirtschaftlichen Betriebe, die Parzellen im Einzugsgebiet der Our und der Sauer bewirtschaften, zu einem Seminar zum Thema:
Wildlife at the Mill of Kalborn
Mussel search
To get an overview about the population the found mussels are marked and again released at the same spot. The tagged mussels are checked once a year.
Mussel monitoring
Since mid June the water Level in the river Our and Sauer allow the search of mussels. On gravel Banks also Young individuels were observed.
Electric fishing
The fish assemblage in the river Our was analyzed with electric fishing. Potential host fish, like minnow (Phoxinus phoxinus) were checked for Unio crassus larvae.
Detection of erosion problems
During winter and spring forest- and rural ways were observed to detect erosion problems.