Erosions control, resp. a reduction in fine sediment inflow into streams and rivers, is of great importance in some aspects.
From the point of view of the water body, it is important to prevent the silting and clogging of the interstitial gravel space. An intact water flow through the gravel ensures the survival of many organisms and preserves the water’s ability of self-purification.
Recording systems that measure the water’s state before and after alterations are vital for all management operations. One possibility is to measure the redox potential in the river bed at different depths. This way, the state of the river bed can easily be qualified and quantified at different sites.
The erosion of agricultural land is important to famers who lose fertile soil each year. This is true for fields in high valleys as well as for forestry areas along the slopes of the Our- and Sauer valley.
As a first step, the plateaus and the course of the streams will be mapped in order to detect hot spots, areas that are particularly prone to erosion. With the help of the Chamber of Agriculture, information will be given to farmers on the importance of erosion management.
Corn fields are noticeable as they leave unprotected soil during winter. Thus, soil and humus are particularly prone to run-off and wind.
Spruces should not stand close to streams. Law indicates a minimal distance of 30m from streams for new plantations. Spruces were removed from stream shores during the past years. Now shore-specific vegetation can regrow in the cleared areas.
Lots of sediment and nutrients reach the streams and rivers from field and forestry tracks. Cross channels prevent the erosion and detoriation of the tracks. In line with the project, 60 cross channels will be installed on the most affected tracks.
Grazing herds contribute to an increased occurrence of erosions. Therefore, it may be important to prevent cattle from stepping into streams to drink and install drinking troughs instead. 2km fencing is planned for this purpose.